I met Mitch at 9:00 this morning. He is a kind, soft-spoken gentleman. He showed me around the studio and we chatted a little about our families, churches, hobbies…etc. After that we buckled down and got to work, and other than a 20 minute break for our delicious thai-food lunch, we spent the next 9 hours on preproduction.
Pre-Production is the process of taking a completed song, and then reworking the lyrics, the chord progression and the melody into the best possible finished product with an eye toward the recorded arrangement. So, for example, a song might sound great as a solo acoustic song, but when you bring in a string section and a full band (drums, bass, keyboards guitars, etc.) there are infinitely more possibilities and so the song may have to be re-worked to be at it’s absolute best in that setting. This is what I learned today as we meticulously poured over every note, every chord and every word of five songs. The good news is, they are way better songs now than they were when we started today. The bad news (if there is any) is that it’s exhausting and tedious. In this case, the good obviously and substantially outweighs the bad.
I’m excited for you to hear these songs in finished form. Heck…I’m excited for ME to hear them in finished form.
What seems clear to me (and what I believe with all my heart) is that this album and the songs that are in it were conceived from a heart of worship, and I think the fruit that is born from this project will reflect that. While I want people to like it, and I want it to be catchy and make people happy, hopeful, thoughtful…whatever…My deepest desire for this has become that it will move people to worship. Seems like that should be a no brainer…but sometimes I get confused. I’m glad to have the purpose re-focused. I’ll try to get some video up tomorrow…
Joy and Peace,
Thanks for the update, I’m pumped to hear the results!
Good update. Sound like the trip is already paying off. You rock! Can’t wait to hear more
Praying for you. Hope it is fun in the midst of the work.
This is going to be the best album ever!!!