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Tracking and Grammies | Brian Fraaza

Tracking and Grammies

Tracking…day 1 from Brian Fraaza on Vimeo.

We began tracking today.


That means that our pre-production was finished and we had a rhythm section (electric guitar, bass and drums) in the studio to begin laying down the foundation for the songs. These guys are amazing. Seriously…there are not words to describe the level of ability of a professional studio musician. Not only do they have to be able to play a variety of styles, but they also have to be able to interpret the producer’s vision of a song and create a part out of thin air. Most of these guys make their living playing in the studio or touring with artists or both. It was a  treat…and we get to do it again tomorrow.


As we were tracking, something occurred to me. I’ve met a number of extremely, uniquely gifted musicians in my life. When I say gifted, I mean that they could easily make their living with music if they chose to. The thing that sticks out about every single one of them is their humility. Their is not an ounce of pretension to any of them. It’s remarkable. If I was that good at something, I guarantee you I would carry some level of prideful attitude around with me. I wonder if that’s why these guys are so good…


Anyway, if you’d like to see/listen to one of the songs being tracked with these guys, check it out here:



One Comment on "Tracking and Grammies"

  1. avatar
    Chris Lahti says:

    Fraaza, praying for blessings, favor and protection, also that as you work you are able to worship and be free from the pressure of “performing” and experience the normal Fraaza type of freedom in your worship. Amen and Amen. I love you!

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